What is a Lightworker

Many of you who have found your way here will already know what a lightworker is. You will have awakened to life’s reality and understand you are here for a reason.

This blog post is more for those who are unsure what a lightworker is or just starting to find their way on their spiritual path..

So what is a lightworker?

From UrbanDictionary.com

  • A Light Worker is a person who was placed on this Earth for a reason. Their reason for being placed on Mother Earth is to bring light wherever they may go.
  • Every potential Light Worker hears the call to duty. Their intuition will let them know that they have a serious duty here on Earth. Some listen, some ignore. Those who listen must first heal themselves, and once completely healed and spiritually whole, they can then help others. Light Workers will save the world in the darkest of times.

Does that help? I feel it actually answers the question very well.

How do I know if I am a lightworker?

This post HERE! should help but the basics are always feeling different, being empathic, love to help others, intuitive/psychic, sensitive, compassionate and caring, plus many more traits.

Why Now?

You may or may not be aware of the many undercurrents running through the world today. A world pandemic, whether you believe it’s real or not, has become a tool to repress people and entire nations.

More and more people have and are awakening which threatens the reality of those in control. The majority are no longer sheep blindly doing as we are told. We are questioning the dictates, we know there is much more to life than we have been brainwashed to believe.

Read more about this HERE

Moving on

Whatever you do or don’t believe about what is going on, the real truth is that right now lightworkers have never been needed more.raise your vibration to help you, others and the planet

The planet is transitioning to a higher vibration and those that live in greed, harm the planet and other people, are lower vibration. They will lose their power, hence the reason for them stepping up the fear based narrative.

Living in fear is staying small and lowering your vibration. We need the planet and it’s future NEEDS us to increase our vibration and shine brightly.

Living the light

With so many more people/lightworkers stepping forward already helping and more ready to help, with more learning and getting ready, we are making a difference.

We need to shine our light bright and proud. Yes, some of those we know will not understand and fall by the wayside because some do not want to change. These will do their best to dissuade you, to stop you, this is fear based. They are afraid they will lose you without understanding that if they don’t grow with you, it will happen anyway.

Sometimes the thought of losing those we love holds us back, however once awakened it would be difficult to go back. There would always be a part of you yearning for that life you know you could have had.

Keep Going!

It’s important to stay centered and not allow the fear narrative to bring you down. Try to stay connected at all times because it keeps you in the flow of life, light and energy where the slings and arrows of life bounce off harmlessly. It is almost as though you have a protective force field around you. It lights your way, opening everything up before you while protecting you from the efforts of lower vibrations to bring you down.

Stand firm in your power, YOU are the light and so much more powerful than you know right now.

How can you move forward faster?As above ansd so below keeps us in the flow

When you have questions ask. Google for answers, ask questions on social media and or blogs of those that resonate with you.

What is RESONATE? When you hear or read something that feels right in mind and body and you want to know more immediately. If you feel doubt about something, even a small amount, then it doesn’t truly resonate, so discard it.

Do you have a particular way of connecting and staying in flow? Do you connect from above and below. If you do both, then you remain grounded while flying high and broadcasting your beacon of light.

6 thoughts on “What is a Lightworker”

  1. Hi there Linda. I never knew there was an actual name for someone who has been called to a specific purpose in this world until today when someone mentioned it when I was talking about mental health and meditation and how I felt inspired to encourage more people to do it because of the benefits I have seen in the practice. I am going to share your post with my friends and family and get them to feel moved to find their purpose in life. Thanks heaps for this insightful post.

    • It’s very important right now with so much going on in the world to be sending out good vibrations to help ourselves and the planet. Meditation is such a good practice to have, it bring calm and helps to centre us.

      Thank you Dave, I too want to aid as many people as possible. I am so glad you found the post helpful. Thank you for your comments.

  2. This post has really opened my eyes to specifics within the world. I never thought someone was put on this Earth for a reason but the more I read the more I came to the realisation that I have experienced this in my own personal life and never thought anything of it. Great post really insightful and thorough.

    • Thank youl for commenting Michael. I am glad that you found the article interesting and helpful. Once we understand more, it is easy to realise that we too have a purpose.

  3. This is very profound. I resonate with many of the characteristics you describe. Although I have never heard the term lightworker, I have always felt the need to be a source of strength and light for those around me and that I care about.  This is very interesting to me and I look forward to diving in a little and learning more about lightworkers.

    • Many on the planet at this time are lightworkers, many more are now awakening Michelle. Here to aid others once they have awakened. If it resonated with you, then you too are here at this time in Earth’s history to make a difference. 

      Thank you for reading and your comments. 


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