The Benefits of Positive Self Talk

Are you aware of your thoughts, do you take note of the way you talk to yourself in your thoughts? We look in a mirror and automatically find something we aren’t happy with or even several somethings. We often talk to ourselves in a way we wouldn’t dream of doing to others, in a negative and sometimes derogatory way. There is a better way, let’s find out what the benefits of positive self talk are.

The definition of Self Talk


  • Self-talk is something you do naturally throughout your waking hours. People are becoming more aware that positive self-talk is a powerful tool for increasing your self-confidence and curbing negative emotions. People who can master positive self-talk are thought to be more confident, motivated, and productive.
  • Take a minute and think about what you’ve said to yourself today. Was it critical? Or was it kind and helpful? How did you feel after you engaged in this inner discussion?
  • Your thoughts are the source of your emotions and mood. The conversations you have with yourself can be destructive or beneficial. They influence how you feel about yourself and how you respond to events in your life.

Our thoughts are running all day long, from the time we wake until we sleep, thats a lot of thoughts. Without checking in we don’t know what percentage are positive and negative. We also don’t know how often we are putting ourselves down.

Looking at Self talk?

How do you talk to yourself?The Benefits of Positive Self Talk

We are hearing a lot lately about self talk. This doesn’t mean the way we talk to ourselves out loud at times, bouncing ideas around about the pros and cons of things.

It’s more along the lines of the way we look at ourselves and the harsh way we judge ourselves. It can really make us feel low to have a continuous barrage of negative comments directed at us, much worse when it’s coming from inside. It becomes the enemy within. But that not only lowers your general mood it can affect your body and general health too.

What sort of talk?

Do you look at yourself in the mirror and denigrate the way you look? Do you think your hair should be thicker, longer, shorter, a different colour or maybe it’s your weight should you be fatter, thinner, taller, shorter, need to lose a few pounds, need to lose a lot or need to put on some weight?

Do you look at your face and think I have wrinkles, my eyes need to be larger, my mouth is too big, my nose is the wrong shape, my ears stick out, my ears are too small or too big. There are so many things and ways we pout ourselves down over.

Over time we become unaware of it and the barrage of harmful words just go on and on.

Don’t do it!

Occasionally you hear people talking negatively to children. Sometimes that adult or older child is no longer aware of the things they are saying because they do it so much.

At first, it hurts to hear it but then the child goes blank and no longer hears it or so they think. Sadly it is still all there inside, creating an adult who will say the same things to themselves and younger ones too. It becomes self fulfilling over time. We become that person who hates themself, who becomes lazy, because what is the point of trying you are useless. Who cannot climb the career ladder because you aren’t clever enough, who can’t find a life partner because you are unlovable ……. and so on.

Positive Self Talknegative or positive self talk

Can improve your health and general well-being, it also makes you feel happier. The more you change negative self talk to positive the more improvements you will notice.

You might notice you have: increased energy, your body feels healthier, there is less stress and anxiety and you feel happy.

Happiness raises your vibration which also increases happiness levels which in turn can improve other aspects of your life.

Monitor your words to yourself and repace negative with the positive aspect each time. Yes, it will take time and effort but the results overall will definitely be worth it.

Try Gratitude

It can be tough at first, having to constantly remind yourself to monitor your thoughts. If you forget and find your mood slipping downwards try using gratitude. This is something that can lift your mood very quickly and make you smile.

Just think of what and who you are grateful for in your life.  Or you could make a list and keep it with you to look at. This could be easier because once your thoughts go in a downward spiral it can be hard to think of anything you are grateful for.

Gratitude is very powerful. Try making a list in your head when you first wake up. It will give a better start to your day, lifting your mood and making you see the world in a happier and brighter way.

Daily Habits

Try monitoring your self talk and change negative to positive. The more you do it, the easier it gets. Look in the mirror and smile at yourself. Find something to compliment yourself on and then find something else.

You are worth making the effort for and you are certainly worth taking the time to be kind to yourself. Self love can follow if you start making the negative narrative into a positive one.

Try it for a week or two and see if it makes you happier so you enjoy life more.

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