What is an Energy Healing Facilitator

What is an Energy Healing Facilitator

Strange sort of name isn’t it? Energy Healing Facilitator. There are lots of different names for various healers but what we want to know is, what is an energy healing facilitator and how does this work? From Cambridge.org dictionary Spiritual Healing the activity of making a person healthy without using medicines or other physical methods, … Read more

What is Empathy

What is empathy

What does the word “empathy” mean? Do we think of it as caring or something deeper? What or who is an Empath? Can anyone feel empathy or is only an empathic capable of it? Let’s begin by asking ‘what is empathy’. So what is empathy? From Wikipedia: Empathy is the capacity to understand or feel … Read more

New Choices bring Change

New choices bring change

Many of us long for change. Better jobs, homes, cars, relationships etc. So essentially better lives in some or all ways. Do new choices bring change, can it be that simple? True or False? Every choice good or bad creates your everyday life. TRUE! If you don’t make a choice it can’t affect anyone or … Read more

How to connect to Universal Energy

How to connect to Universal Energy

What is universal energy? Many people just thought such ideas were just “woo woo” and those that thought such things were weird. Now though, science has caught up and we find it is not so strange after all. Now many want to know how to connect to Universal energy or Source as it is also … Read more

What is the Opposite of Fear

What is the Opposite of Fear

What is the opposite of fear? Well, it’s Fear LESS. When you are fearless you are free. If you feel fear alot or are anxious, avoid news programmes, newspapers or anything concerning world events on social media. We have had the Covid fear narrative hammered into us 24 hours a day for 2 years. Now … Read more

Healers and Healing

Healers and Healing

What is a healer? Do you have a lot of questions about healing? Let’s find out about healers and healing, shall we? From the Collins Dictionary.Com A healer is a person who heals people, especially a person who heals through prayer and religious faith. Can one person Heal another? The short answer to that is YES! BUT the healer is using energy to … Read more

Why Gratitude is so Powerful

Why Gratitude is so Powerful

Let’s talk about gratitude. We hear a lot about it, that it can be life changing, yet here you are living the same life despite thanking everyone for everything. Most of us were brought up to be polite so is that all it is? Yes and no! That’s not much help I know, so lets … Read more

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